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Singapore Institution of Safety Officers

2023 & 2024 Training Courses/Events accredited by the CPD Board

Below are the 2023 & 2024 courses and events that are accredited by the CPD Board to date, it will be updated on a monthly basis. WSHO, please take note of the following points:

  1. Check the Program Code - For 2023, it will be in this format CPD/XXX/T1.1 or 1.2 or 2.0/2023XXX
  2. Check the Program Code - For 2024, it will be in this format CPD/XXX/T1.1 or 1.2 or 2.0/2024XX
  3. Check the start date and the end date of the approved course. The same course with a different approved date will have a different Program Code.
  4. Training Provider is to include this Program Code and the SDU points awarded in your certificate or official letter. 
  5. Check for course brochure, it should indicate the Approved Program Code and Awarded SDU points.

List of 2023 & 2024 Training Courses/Events Accredited

Contact Us

Membership T: +65 6977 9858 / +65 8057 1798
Training      T: +65 6777 5185

Email: (General Matters)  (Training Matters) (CPD Matters)

Blk 167 Jalan Bukit Merah #02-16 Connection One, Tower 4
Singapore 150167

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