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Singapore Institution of Safety Officers


The Singapore Institution of Safety Officers is a professional organisation providing representation, promotion, and support for members engaged in the practices of Workplace Safety and Health towards the protection of people, property, and the environment.

Vision Statement:

To be the leading institution for the advancement of the WSH profession.

Our Mission:

  • SISO shall establish professional development opportunities to continually enhance the skills, knowledge, attributes and competence of our members.
  • SISO shall promote and uphold high standards of professional practice among our members.
  • SISO shall advance the Vision Zero philosophy as a strategy for preventing workplace accidents.

The objectives of the Institution are to:

  • Develop and promote high standards of professional ethics and practice among members.
  • Provide and/or facilitate continual professional development opportunities to enhance the competence of members
  • Cultivate affiliation and cooperation with other national and international Occupation Safety and Health organisations to encourage and participate in the development of the profession and to position the Institution on par with similar international organisations.

SISO was appointed by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency as a Continuing Education and Training Centre since 1st April 2014. SISO is one of only five CET Centres that offer WSQ Workplace Safety and Health training courses for those who aspire to enter the workplace safety and health profession and WSH Professionals who want to upgrade their WSH skills and knowledge.

In July 2013, SISO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Sports Singapore to conduct risk assessments for sports venues for the 28th South East Asian Games which was held in Singapore from 5th to 16th June 2015. With about 100 SISO members working as volunteers, SISO successfully contributed to the safety aspects of the 28th SEA Games.

In November 2016, SISO launched the SISO Professional Standard for Workplace Safety and Health Professionals. The Standard is supported by the Ministry of Manpower, Workplace Safety and Health Council, and the National Trades Union Congress.

In the first quarter of 2017, SISO formed a Career Progression Pathway (CPP) Steering Committee. The Committee’s role is to enhance the professional career development of WSH professionals by promoting the adoption of the Career Progression Pathway. Members of the Committee include senior management from the NTUC and the WSH Council. The Career Progression Pathway (or CPP) is a 5-tier competency pathway that provides a career roadmap and identifies new and additional professional skills for continuous improvement and professional development. The CPP allows individuals to embark on and plan their learning journey through the different stages of the Pathway from a point at which they are comfortable with. With the CPP, a WSH Professional would thus be able to chart a systematic lifelong learning journey, which equips him or her to stay employable, productive and be future-ready.

In 2017, SISO signed separate Memorandum of Understanding with SMRT Corporation and C&W Services to adopt and use the CPP framework. SISO continues to explore collaborations with key players in various industries and the labour movement to promote the CPP framework.

On the international front, SISO is a member of the International Network of Safety & Health Practitioner Organisations (INSHPO) and has a representative in INSHPO’s Executive Committee. INSHPO has fourteen member organisations representing the interests of 150,000 WSH professionals worldwide.

On 3 September 2017, just before the Opening Ceremony of the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, representatives from businesses, unions, educational institutions, governments and public authorities, professional organisations, and experts in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) joined members of the International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organisations (INSHPO) to sign the Singapore Accord on the Standards of OHS Professionals. The Singapore Accord is a call to action initiated by SISO and organised by INSHPO. It calls for OHS professional and practitioner organisations around the world to commit to the Global Vision of Prevention through the adoption of a global framework for good OHS practice. INSHPO developed the framework which seeks to uphold high standards of practice among health and safety professionals and practitioners.

Besides INSHPO, SISO is also a member of the Asia Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organisation (APOSHO). As at April 2015, APOSHO has a membership base of 29 Organisations from 16 countries and districts.

Contact Us

Membership T: +65 6977 9858 / +65 8057 1798
Training      T: +65 6777 5185

Email: (General Matters)  (Training Matters) (CPD Matters)

Blk 167 Jalan Bukit Merah #02-16 Connection One, Tower 4
Singapore 150167

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